Monday, December 29, 2014

back in action! [life with a newborn]

it feels good to be back!

i've taken a few months off of blogging while settling into life with our new addition, but now that i'm back to work and the holidays are behind us, it's time to catch up.

in case any of you missed it (which i seriously doubt you did, considering i'm probably friends on instagram or facebook with anyone who reads this blog), our sweet girl ellie charlotte was born on october 22nd at 2:15 pm. she was 8 pounds 4 ounces and 21 inches long. she's the sweetest, best baby in the world and her daddy and i are so in love!

the first picture i took of her. this was in the hospital the day she was born

happy Christmas baby!

i was with ellie 24/7 the first 7 weeks of her life, and i have to tell yall-it was harder than i expected! the first 4 weeks were especially difficult, trying to get her on a schedule, figuring out her different cries, and braving my first solo outings with her in public (not to mention my own healing process and getting back in my skinny jeans!) unlike many newborns i hear about, my baby girl was not a big napper. everyone says that newborns will just sleep all day and you'll have to try to wake them up...ummmm not mine! she has been super-alert from day one. it took me a little while to learn her sleepy cues and figure out the best way to put her down for naps. once all that got worked out, the last few weeks of my maternity leave were much easier!

having a baby has been a huge lesson in patience and going-with-the-flow for me. anyone who knows me knows that i'm always busy, can't relax without knowing everything is in order and checked off my to-do list, and once i have a schedule, i want to stick to it. having a baby throws that out the window, for the first few weeks at least. thankfully ellie did adapt to a schedule really quickly, and has always been a great sleeper at night, which made things pretty easy for us!

as for her schedule, we generally follow the babywise method. we focus mostly on the babywise recommendation of eat-wake-sleep, so ellie isn't ever fed to sleep (except at her bedtime feeding, when we put her straight to bed afterward). she eats every 3 hours, and eats like a champ! right now she weighs about 13 pounds and is maxing out her 3-6 month sleepers in length. she was back up to her birth weight before her first doctor's! :) she's finishing up her last box of size 1 diapers and wears size 2 at night (which i think has been a big help in getting her to sleep all night). speaking of, she's slept through the night 3 times so far, 2 of which being last night and the night before, so hopefully she will keep that up!

ellie's favorite place to nap is still on her daddy's chest, but she sleeps in her crib 90% of the time. we had her in her crib in her own room from the first night we brought her home. i know that's hard for a lot of people, but it made it so much easier on us to not have to make the transition from our room to hers at any point-she was just there from the beginning. of course the first few nights it was hard to fall asleep without constantly checking the video monitor, but eventually my paranoia went away and we have all been happy in our own rooms!

thankfully i've had lots of luck with breastfeeding, and we really only supplement with formula when we're out and it's not convenient to feed her myself, and at night when we make her last bottle half breastmilk and half formula (in an attempt to keep her full a little longer, since formula takes longer to digest). i pump at least 3 times a day at work now, but if i have to skip for any reason, we'll supplement with formula when we need to. she happily eats any kind of formula we've given her and will take a bottle at any temperature, which is really nice. i also credit breastfeeding with me being back at my pre-pregnancy weight and in my regular clothes at 3 weeks postpartum. i really wasn't doing any other form of exercise at that point, so i can't take any credit on my own!

as for ellie's daily life now, michael is at home with her until he goes back to school on the 7th, so he hangs out with her all day and takes her on his daddy errands. they are having such a good time together! when he goes back to school, ellie's grandmas will be helping out, watching her for a month or 2 until i'm able to bring her to work with me. my company is graciously providing a space for employees to bring their kids under 5 to work, so she'll be coming along with me at the end of february/early march. i can't wait!

the highlights of my work days are getting ellie out of her crib in the mornings, usually happy and smiling already, and rocking her to sleep at night. weekends are full of cuddles and play time. she is such a smiley, happy baby who sucks her thumb to put herself to sleep and is learning to hold on to her rattles. she loves bath time and has crazy long hair that isn't showing any signs of falling out so far. she plays on her activity mat, loves listening to music, and holds her head up well enough to sit in her bumbo seat for a few minutes at a time. she is the greatest blessing of our life and i am forever thankful that she is mine.

[my next post will be a list of all of the newborn must-haves that i couldn't have lived without during these past 2 months! stay tuned.]


  1. This made daddy's heart smile and cry a bit. :)

  2. Makenna wasn't a good napper either, and she started sleeping thru the night at 2 months so I didn't complain! Ellisyn was 8 months when she slept straight thru consistently because she slept a lot during the day. Keep up the good work! She's cute!

  3. Loved reading about your blessings!! Much love to you mama bear :)
