Friday, March 1, 2013

february birchbox!

who gets birchboxes?? if you don't and you're a fan of beauty products i highly recommend it!

i ran across the website ( on a blog that i follow a few months ago and i decided to give it a try late last year. it's only $10 a month and every month birchbox mails you the cutest little box of samples.

(side note: there is a waiting list to get started but it only took me about a month to receive a notification email that my first box was ready).

the box itself is pretty precious:

here's what i got in february's box a few weeks back. each month has a theme; february's was "red carpet ready" due to all of the awards shows going on. 

-let's be honest, my favorite thing in this box was the chocolate: ghirardelli chocolate with caramel. don't mind if i do.

-color club nail polish (in an interesting green color that i thought was weird but i have used since then!)

-skin & co. moisturizing bath gel

-lancome bi-facil eye makeup remover (love!)

-the thing i've used most out of this box is the twistband hair tie which is one of the nice wide soft elastic ones that doesn't leave dents in your hair. i use it almost every day now when i'm cooking or cleaning.


in the december box, i got a full-sized modelco fibre lashxtend mascara that i am in love with. its regular price is $24 so what a good deal! i've also gotten several small samples of new perfumes, which are really handy for traveling. most of the time you get travel-sized things, but even then it's usually pretty upscale brands that charge a pretty penny.

a really cool thing about birchbox is that you can log into your account online and see what each of your past boxes had in it. each product has a link to where you can purchase more of that item. so handy if you want to easily order something you love!

i've gotten 3 boxes so far, and there have been one or two items that were not my style and i didn't use. but for $10 a month, it's totally worth it! i love getting things in the mail so it's something that i look forward a lot now.

can't wait to see what march brings!

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