Monday, July 29, 2013

peanut butter phase

for the past couple of weeks i've been in a huge peanut butter phase! do yall ever have those times where nothing seems better to you than a pb&j sandwich?

i like peanut butter but i never can decide which version to get. reduced fat versions taste good and make me feel like i'm saving some calories, but they're also loaded with sugar most of the time. "natural" peanut butter tastes like cardboard to me so that's out. luckily one of my bosses was looking for fresh-ground peanut butter the other day so i offered to go by our local earthfare and see if they had any. sure enough, they have the fun little grinding station where you can grind your own peanuts into butter. YUM.

it's still a little hard for me to get used to the full-on peanut flavor without any sweetener, so i use honey when i need to to balance it out some.

my 2 favorite peanut butter "recipes":

  • pb&b: peanut butter & banana sandwich. it doesn't get any better than that. we had this for dinner one night last week and i think we'll be having it again soon! we felt like kids and it was awesome.
  • smoothie: i make green smoothies fairly often for breakfast, but that gets old sometimes. i was in a cereal rut for a week or 2 and decided to use the leftover peanut butter from our sandwiches in breakfast smoothies. so good!

    -2 scoops peanut butter
    -2 bananas
    -1 tsp honey
    -1/2 cup greek yogurt
    -milk to reach desired consistency

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